Dr Emeline Eudes (1981) is a Research Associate in environmental aesthetics at the laboratory LADYSS-CNRS (Laboratory of Social Dynamics and Spatial Reconstruction) Paris, and she has published various articles on the subject of ecology and activism in the arts. She is also editor in chief of the ARTnord magazine, which is devoted to contemporary Nordic art. Her current research, which is supported by a grant from Région Ile-de-France, involves documenting the actions of guerrilla gardening groups in and around Paris. More generally, she envisions her body and her academic research, as an opportunity to subvertise the normes and the methodologies of university culture; as such, Emeline is looking to develop ways of performatively engaging with her conception of politics, which she argues is not sufficiently acknowledged in the academic tradition. Working with ecological issues, resistance movements and degrowth, her practice stems from the philosophy of language as much as it does from activism.
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